Online-Live project management training

Your perfect entry point to become a project hero.

Start your project management career now

English-speaking seminars on project management skills in Germany

You want to start out in your project management career and have little experience or little knowledge of project management skills or methods yet? Then start your IPMA® Level D training now!

Expect an interesting seminar with a strong practical focus and all the knowledge you need to be able to successfully oversee a project right after the training.

After the seminar, you will also be able to respond perfectly to any events and environmental influences in project management, both methodically and on a human level.


  • English speaking seminar

English speaking seminar

Project management training in English

The contents of your seminar include:

  • Overview of the project planning process approach (project roadmap)
  • Identifying and analyzing the project environment and stakeholders
  • Project organizational forms and project culture, roles of the project manager and other participants
  • Project definition: Defining objectives and clarifying the project assignment. Questioning and understanding project objectives precisely.
  • Phase planning of project stages with milestones and initial effort estimation.
  • Risk management
  • Workflow and schedule management for project implementation, creating reliable schedules
  • Teamwork
  • Introduction to agile methods (SCRUM)
  • Leadership skills and communication


The next Level D course: 

  • 23. -25.10.2024 & 20. -22.11.2024

Your benefits

with REUTER management training

  • Personal Benefits:
    Master your everyday project activities with greater confidence by reflecting on and improving your skills, thus optimizing your project success.
  • Value Addition for Companies:
    Save time and complete your projects up to 20% faster, as improving your methodology allows you to focus on what matters most. As quoted by a project manager with 25 years of experience, "If I had known this at the beginning of my career, I could have saved a lot of effort and justifications."
  • Join the Elite Circle of Project Experts:
    Continue your education with REUTER management training. Have your project competence internationally recognized and become one of the 70,000 IPMA®-certified project managers in Germany!
  • 96% Pass Rate:
    Experience a course that prepares you optimally for your examination. This is confirmed by the above-average pass rate of over 96% of all REUTER-certified individuals.
  • Over 27,000 Satisfied Customers:
    Let yourself be motivated and inspired by project management - experience the inspiring project management trainers at REUTER live, just like over 27,000 satisfied REUTER customers before you.

What is holding you back from taking off?

You need further information on our project management trainings? You are not sure if the IPMA® standard is right for you? Do not hesitate and contact us right away. Together we will find a solution to help you achieve your personal goal in the shortest possible time. 

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